【民谣】Jack Savoretti - Written in Scars 2015 FLAC 【强推】

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◎邀请曾和Adele、Sia合作的Sam Dixon + Faithless、Paolo Nutini幕后金手Matt Benbrook一起写歌

◎专辑空降英国金榜第13名;特别翻唱偶像Bob Dylan的〈Nobody ’Cept You〉

在欧洲市场,让许多媒体不禁赞叹Jack Savoretti为「The New Bob Dylan新巴布狄伦」!一把空心吉他弹奏着美丽与哀愁,搭配历经沧桑的沙哑嗓音,以及诗意的笔触潇洒又细腻,难掩这位独立界才子全然魅力,获得高收视率的电视剧「篮球的天空」、「实习医生」、「吸血鬼日记」、「东区人」、「飙风不归路」,争相选用其创作歌曲,让名声逐渐远布!

从小就喜欢撰写诗词,带着笔电坐在树下,一整天寄予文字抒发情感,直到母亲送上一把吉他,建议Jack将诗词搭配旋律谱成完整歌谣,音乐创作就成为离不开身的最大兴趣。2006年推出暖身单曲〈Without〉,由提名奥斯卡的导演Bobby Garabedian掌镜,登入英国金榜百大之林。隔年问市首张专辑《Between the Minds》,登记英国独立榜第五名。随后的《Harder Than Easy》和《Before the Storm》大碟,如同游走都市的诗人歌手,从描述自身的真实故事中,引导出相互共鸣的感应,也许就是你我彼此的心境写照!

写下出道以来最佳商业销售,空降英国金榜第13名的《Written in Scars》,Jack邀请曾和Adele、Sia合作的Sam Dixon + Faithless、Paolo Nutini幕后金手Matt Benbrook一起写歌,将母亲最爱The Eagles、Crosby, Stills & Nash和Motown风格,以及父亲锺爱60到70年代的义大利之音,成为新专辑的灵感及素材。装填所有顺畅旋律,唱出炙热情感的〈Back to Me〉,沉溺于无法自拔的浪漫之中;踩着明亮节拍前行的〈Home〉,仍抱持希望的等待爱情、迎向曙光,登上英国点播榜TOP 43席次;优雅民谣乐章〈Broken Glass〉,以善感的心灵铺陈,唱出蕴含的感谢和珍惜之情;一窥爱的多样面向,从未尝试过曲风的〈The Other Side of Love〉,是Jack的一大突破,弦乐加上大量电子合成器声频,可以随乐恣意摇摆;翻唱偶像Bob Dylan的〈Nobody ’Cept You〉,这首歌曾协助Jack度过低潮难关,满怀感念诠释;同名曲目〈Written in Scars〉,道尽早年克服艰苦奋斗的真实过程,愈合打拼后的伤痕累累,洗净一身溷浊苦痛,昂首阔步往前迈进!

Armed with new songs, a new direction and a new lease of life, Jack Savoretti is set to release his stunning new LP ‘Written In Scars’ on February 9th 2015 on BMG Chrysalis. Writing with some of the hottest talents around and brimming with confidence and style the album sees Jack at the peak of his powers. From opening track ‘Back To Me’, Jack’s intentions are made clear. Infectiously rhythmic and beautifully arranged, the track, co-written and co-produced by Samuel Dixon (Adele’s musical director and Sia’s main co-writer). Jack Savoretti has not only found his voice musically but also vocally, turning in a performance that sits easily alongside the likes of Paolo Nutini and George Ezra. The first single released from the album was the Radio 2 playlisted ‘Tie Me Down’, co-written with Matty Benbrook (Jake Bugg), and is a fine example of his warm, rasping, sultry vocals.


01. Back To Me

02. Home

03. Don’t Mind Me

04. Tie Me Down

05. Broken Glass

06. The Other Side Of Love

07. Nobody ‘Cept You

08. The Hunger

09. Written In Scars

10. Wasted

11. Fight ‘Til The End


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